What is the final Beracha (blessing) after eating foods and rice

Although the first blessing on rice is “Mezonot”, his last blessing is “Bore Nefashot”. Does this rule change when he ate both foods and rice? Does “Al Hamichia” on foods exclude rice? Question:As we know, rice is considered a nutritious food and is blessed Mezonot, but nevertheless, since it is not really food, the last blessing on it […]
A self wash car wash or a vending machine owned by a jew, can be open on Shabbat?

Question: Is it permissible to place a vending machine for the sale of sweets and drinks and the like on Shabbat evening in a non-Jew neighborhood, even though it is known that the residents of the place insert a coin into the machine on Shabbat, in order to purchase various products, or is this prohibited? […]